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Nicole K. – Huguenot

By April 2, 2019

My son started daycare when he was 3 months old. It is very hard to leave him every day to go to work but what makes it easier is the fact that we LOVE Skipwith Academy! When I pick my son up in the evenings he is happy which makes me feel better because I know he is getting excellent care. The teachers & staff are very sweet and friendly. I like the fact that they fill out a daily report sheet and everything your child does is documented for the day. I also like how the teachers do finger painting with the infants and other fun stuff so the children are learning & being creative as well as playing. When your child goes to daycare as a parent you are putting your trust in others to make sure your child is safe & well taken care of and Skipwith Academy does an excellent job of this!

 Now Hiring all Childcare Positions:  Teachers, Assistant Teachers and Managers

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